Register here for our next rally:

PENOLA, South Australia.

ENTRY: Friday, 11h October., 8.30am - 12 Noon & 1pm - 3pm.
DEPART: Friday 18th., by 10am.

To ensure accurate processing of your application, please take your time and answer all questions that apply.
There may be some which do not apply, please just leave them blank.
We need your correct email address to be able to respond to you.
Current CMCA membership is required for entry. Non Solos members are welcome.
There are no powered sites left.
We are over-booked for power; refunds will be made.

Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.

If this is your first (Solos) rally, you may be invited to enter early— this is only for financial members of the Solos Network.

…my Motorhome, Caravan, or Fifth Wheeler

Tick the following for Yes:


I want to register and pay for the following nights:

How to calculate what you will need to pay
Registration fee: $60 per person.

Add site Fees – number of nights x nightly fee.
Unpowered sites: $15 per night
Add Power Levy: $5 per night
Powered sites are allocated on a first paid basis

How I intend to pay:

Account name: CMCA Solos Network, BSB: 012 780 Acc: 1557 82967 If you pay at an ANZ Bank you MUST put your CMCA Number in the Payment Reference for identification purposes.

Account name: CMCA Solos Network, BSB: 012 780 Acc: 1557 82967 Include your full name in the details!

To pay in person, by telephone, please call either:

  • the Treasurer,
  • the Assistant Treasurer, or
  • the Membership Officer.
Contact details are available on the Contact Us page.

Notes (Please read them carefully):

  • Please have your membership card ready at the entry. You MUST be a financial CMCA member.
  • To be properly registered, you must pay the registration fees as above, AND complete AND submit this form.
  • If you are a Solos Network member, AND this is your first rally, you may be invited to arrive a day or two early at no extra cost.
  • Cancellations received before the rally starts will be refunded in full.
  • If you do not arrive, or if you leave early without a valid reason, no refund is payable.
  • Everybody is welcome but First Aid volunteers cannot be expected to deal with pre-existing conditions.
  • CMCA Rally Rules apply at Solos Network rallies.
  • Disability parking is for holders of Disability Stickers or a doctor's letter only.